Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World
Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World. In our Thanksgiving week special report, in which we will try and write one article a day about being thankful for something, we wanted to give thanks for living at Walt Disney World and all it has to offer us.

Thanksgiving is a special time when we reflect on the things that bring joy and warmth to our lives. Amidst the turkey and pumpkin pie, there’s one place that holds a special spot in our hearts for creating lasting memories and pure delight – Walt Disney World. This Thanksgiving, let’s take a moment to appreciate the enchantment and magic that this extraordinary theme park brings to our lives.

We live an extraordinary life down here. Almost on a permanent vacation where seasons blend together, time does not matter. Our days belong to the Disney calendar. We celebrate and decorate whatever Disney World is set up to celebrate. It is not the real world. We fully understand that, yet here we are suspending our belief of the”real” to live in a world of princesses, and fantasy, where a mouse is our leader.

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World
Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World

Related: Thanksgiving Menu Specials at Disney Springs

Yet, we here at TheFunaticsBlog are surrounded by friends and loved ones we call family. We choose to celebrate and give thanks to all of them this holiday week. We have been a part of some magical moments here at Walt Disney World, standing beside these people, getting to know them on personal levels, even if we call ourselves so-called “competition”.

These people have lifted us up on our darkest days and shared many tears shed over the magic moments that happened to us. From standing alone under Spaceship Earth before the parks even open to the public, or sitting around Hollywood Studios well after close, to meeting Mickey privately, furthermore, meeting people we have guided along their journey of discovering the magic of Disney World.

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World
Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World

We cannot even come close to naming each and every other media person or outlet that has come into our lives and helped, but to each one, we say Thank You! We are grateful to all the Cast members who make our days a delight and who have helped us in any way.

Special shout out to Michele and Scott at The Main Street Mouse and House of Mouse Expo. Scott is my podcasting partner at The Live Podcast Show, and Michele and Scott have been instrumental in helping get this blog out and started.

Also, Jeff and Denise at Mousesteps for always encouraging words. Sam at SamsDisneyDiary for being my partner on Wednesday night’s live. Which btw, you can watch it on YouTube or Facebook.

Walt Disney World, located in sunny Florida, isn’t just a park; it’s a magical realm where dreams come true, and every visit feels like stepping into a fairy tale. Families, friends, and individuals alike find solace in this haven, escaping the ordinary and diving into a world of fantasy. This holiday season, we have plenty of reasons to be grateful for the Disney magic.

First and foremost, Disney World is a place that brings families together. Whether you’re watching a parade, meeting beloved characters, or enjoying a thrilling ride, the park provides a backdrop for shared laughter and the creation of cherished memories. Thanksgiving becomes even more special when spent in the company of loved ones, and Disney World offers the perfect setting for creating those precious moments.

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World
Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World

What makes Disney World truly remarkable is its celebration of imagination and creativity. Every nook and cranny of the park is a testament to the power of creative thinking. From futuristic adventures in Tomorrowland to the magical castles of Fantasyland, Disney sparks our imaginations, encouraging us to embrace the wonders of what could be. This Thanksgiving, let’s be thankful for the reminder to keep our sense of wonder alive and to explore the limitless possibilities within our own imaginations.

Moreover, Disney World provides a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In a world filled with deadlines and stress, the park acts as a therapeutic escape where visitors can momentarily forget their worries. The enchanting ambiance, captivating performances, and immersive experiences serve as a rejuvenating retreat, allowing guests to recharge their spirits. This holiday season, expressing gratitude for the joy and escapism Disney World offers is recognizing the importance of taking a break and embracing moments of happiness.

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World

I cannot stress that enough, even if we “work” at the park by going multiple times a week to cover events or take pictures, there is never a time when we do not appreciate the fact that we consider we work at The Most Magical Place on Earth. There is never a time when I do not walk down Main Street USA, coming out from under the Main Street Station, take the long way around Main Street Confectionary, and there in the distance is Cinderella Castle in all its glory. Each time I see it I get a small tear of happiness, I think about my family and friends and how blessed I am.

Disney World is not just a place; it’s a symbol of perseverance and innovation. Walt Disney’s dream faced numerous challenges, but his determination to create a place where families could experience joy and create everlasting memories resulted in the iconic destination we know and love today. Being thankful for Walt Disney World is acknowledging the power of perseverance, creativity, and the ability to turn dreams into reality.

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World

As we, here at TheFUNaticsblog gather around the Thanksgiving table, let’s take a moment to express gratitude for the magic and joy that Walt Disney World brings into our lives. It’s a place where families connect, imaginations run wild, and the stresses of life momentarily fade away. This Thanksgiving, let’s be thankful for the enchanting world of Disney, where dreams come true, and the magic of togetherness is celebrated in the most whimsical way.

Thankful for Disney Magic: A Magical Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World