Mickey Ears and Glucometers - Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World
Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World

Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World. I can finally say, that after years of trying, plus living here at Walt Disney World Resort, I have managed to get my sugar levels under control. You too can keep your levels in check while visiting the Most Magical Place on Earth with some simple planning.

Coming to Walt Disney World, especially during the holiday season, can tempt a person to go down the wrong path, but were are here to help. With our story, and maybe a little of encouragement, you may think twice before ordering that cupcake. (Not saying anything bad about those cupcakes!)

Covering Disney World for TheFUNaticsBlog.com, it is hard not to try and eat everything new Disney has to offer, especially this time of year with all the amazing treats and snacks offered for your holiday consumption.

I was predisposed to have Type 2 Diabetes, genetics are tough to escape from. I also did not take very good care of my body. From being a sugar drinker and eater from a very young age and spending 30+ years not watching my diet. Not so much as being overweight, but eating crude.

My numbers are finally in order. I went from an A1C of 11.4 down to a manageable 5.7, and my blood glucose meter showing a low 100 and even hitting double-digit numbers once in a while.

Obviously, there is no cure for type 2 diabetes. Losing weight, eating well, and exercising can help manage the disease. Furthermore, if diet and exercise cannot control blood sugar, diabetes medications or insulin therapy are needed. This is the route I had to take. Besides being on the daily dose of Farxiga 10mg, I also have to take a weekly injection of Mounjaro 5mg.

Mickey Ears and Glucometers - Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World
Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World

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Sugar, why does everything that tastes so good contain so much sugar? These treats and snacks are magical to look at. But for those navigating the world with Type 2 diabetes, managing your diet at Disney World can be a world of major concern about blood sugar.

Packing Your Pixie Dust and Insulin:

Preparation is key to a stress-free (and sugar-steady) Disney vacation. Pack enough insulin for your entire trip, plus some extra for unexpected delays. Stock up on medical supplies, including syringes or your insulin pump, glucose meter, test strips, and a glucagon kit (just in case). Pack snacks that won’t spike your blood sugar, like nuts, cheese sticks, and low-sugar yogurt. Download the My Disney Experience app to access park maps, mobile food ordering, and real-time wait times, allowing you to plan your day and avoid unexpected long lines that can lead to hypoglycemia.

Fueling for Fun:

Disney’s food scene is an experience of flavors, but navigating it with diabetes requires some extra work. Don’t be afraid to ask! Restaurants offer allergy-friendly and diabetic-friendly options, and Cast Members are happy to answer questions about ingredients and portion sizes.

Mickey Ears and Glucometers - Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World
Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World
  • Planning is Key: Download the My Disney Experience app and utilize the “Mobile Ordering” feature to avoid long lines and unhealthy temptations. Utilize Disney’s Genie+ to prioritize attractions with shorter wait times, minimizing the risk of low blood sugar during long queues.
  • Hydration & Breaks: Florida sun and park excitement can dehydrate you quickly, leading to erratic blood sugar levels. Sip on water regularly and schedule breaks in cool, shaded areas.
  • Listen to Your Body: Don’t push yourself too hard. Take breaks when needed, and prioritize your health over ride marathons. Remember, slow and steady wins the Disney race!

Snacking Smart:

Mickey Ears and Glucometers - Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World
Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World

Disney’s candy-coated world is a minefield for sugar cravings. But resist the urge to indulge in sugary treats! Pack your own low-sugar snacks like nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dark chocolate (70% or higher cacao). Indulge in low-sugar Disney treats like Dole Whips (skip the pineapple!), Mickey pretzels (go easy on the cheese), or a shared Mickey ice cream bar (remember portion control!). Don’t forget hydration – water is your best friend, keeping you energized and preventing dehydration, a common contributor to high blood sugar.

Magical Maneuvers:

Even with the best planning, unexpected moments can arise. If you feel your blood sugar dropping (hypoglycemia), head to a First Aid center immediately. They are equipped to help and can provide snacks or glucose if needed. If your blood sugar is high (hyperglycemia), take a walk, drink plenty of water, and adjust your insulin as needed. Remember, don’t hesitate to ask Cast Members for help or directions to the nearest First Aid center.

  1. Plan: Pack essentials, research menus, and utilize the My Disney Experience app.
  2. Pack Smart: Stock up on low-sugar snacks and medical supplies.
  3. Eat Wisely: Prioritize protein and fiber, ask questions about ingredients, and portion control.
  4. Be Prepared: Know what to do in case of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, and don’t hesitate to seek help.
Mickey Ears and Glucometers - Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World
Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World

With some planning, smart choices, plus some help from Disney, your Type 2 vacation can be just as thrilling and memorable as any other. So pack your pixie dust, your insulin, and your sense of adventure, and get ready for a magical journey to the happiest place on Earth!

Remember, your health and safety are the most important things. Don’t let your diabetes hold you back from experiencing the magic of Disney World! Enjoy every ride, every laugh, and every delicious bite, all while keeping your blood sugar in check. Have a magical and memorable time!

Mickey Ears and Glucometers – Type 2 Diabetes at Walt Disney World