Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT
Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT

Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT for Battery of Cast Member and Sheriff “I’m Going to *#^&ing kill you!” Well, the great ‘let’s get drunk at Epcot’ strikes again. This time with a former Officer of the Year from Brookline Police Department, who is now on paid leave while an internal investigation is ongoing.

All parties are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, we hope that this was just an Officer who just had one of those bad days, and by the look of things his track record shows him to be a respected member of his department.

Upon my arrival, I met with (Victim 1), who verbally and in a sworn written statement informed me he was working a private event at Epcot’s U.K. Lochside (behind Fish and Chips stand), a white gentleman (Defendant) attempted to enter the event area.

Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT
Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT

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Barnett stated that he instructed the gentleman that he needed to go around. B advised that the gentleman returned and began removing the ropes. Barnett said he told the gentleman once again he needed to go around but, he became angry and said, “I’m going to flicking kill you”, twice. B stated that the subject removed the ropes and pushed him aside. Barnett stated that he wanted to press charges and was willing to testify in court.

I met with (victim 2), who verbally and in a sworn written statement informed me that he was also working the event when he observed a guest (Defendant) yelling at (victim 1), who was preventing him from going into the event. Andrew stated that he heard the guest yell, “I will fucking kill you!” multiple times.

A described the guest as a bearded man, approximately 5’1V tall, wearing a hat, a blue sweater, a white shirt, and jeans. Andrew advised that the guest had a crazy look in his eyes and appeared intoxicated. The guest had a young girl in his left arm. Stating that the guest shoved Jeff, he then approached him and also shoved him. He stated that he is willing to testify in court but, he did not want to press charges. A signed the declination of intent portion of the Waivers and Affidavit form.

I met with Juan Velez (Other), who works for Disney World as a Convention Guide Coordinator. Velez informed me that he got called to Epcot’s United Kingdom Fish and Chips to attend a guest case issue. Velez stated that he didn’t witness the incident, but three guests approached him (unknown) with a video of the incident Velez said that they played the video from their cellphones and allowed him to record it with his phone. Velez provided me with the video, and it was submitted into evidence through Axon Capture.

Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT
Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT

Velez said he is willing to testify, as to his involvement in the incident. I spoke to (witness), who verbally and in a sworn written statement informed me that he was also working the event at Epcot when he heard an altercation behind him. Thomas stated that a guest (defendant), was trying to a staircase that was roped off and two of his co-workers were trying to stop him.

Thomas advised that the guest was belligerent and was pushing through the ropes. Thomas said that the guest managed to get through, pushing his co-workers out of the way and storming through the crowd. Thomas informed me that he saw the guest open the chain and push Barnett and Andrew. Thomas said he heard the guest yell, “I’ll kill you.” Thomas described the guest as a white heavyset male, about 5’09 tall and scruffy looking. Thomas said he is willing to testify in court as to what he witnessed.

I spoke to (Witness), who also stated in a sworn written statement that he observed the Defendant, batter his coworkers Barnett and Andrew. Giorgio stated, that he is willing to testify in court.

Deputy Sheriff D(Victim) informed me the following “On January 30, 2024, at 2125 hours, I, Deputy Sheriff D, was working in my official capacity as a sworn law enforcement officer in uniform at 1320 Avenue of the Stars, Orange County, Florida (Walt Disney World Epcot). I was notified by Disney security via their radio channel that an intoxicated white male with a low-cut haircut, wearing a grey baseball cap, dark-colored coat, blue jeans with a white shirt, and a black backpack was involved in a physical altercation with cast members (security) inside the park.

Deputy A and I later positioned ourselves by the turnstiles in case we encountered the subject. I noticed that Security Manager Q attempted to contact the subject, later identified as Duane Danforth, who ignored his attempt to make contact. As Duane ignored Quincy and other security personnel, they alerted us by pointing at Duane and identifying him. As I attempted to make contact with Duane, I asked him to do me a favor, and that is when Duane intentionally struck me by pushing me away with his hands as I tried to communicate with him.

I immediately regained my balance, and I attempted to secure Duane. During that effort, I redirected Duane to the floor to try to secure him. While Duane was on the floor, he attempted to resist and tense up as we tried to maintain control and secure him with my handcuffs. I gave Duane verbal commands to stop resisting, and Duane continued to push away. He was later then secured in agency handcuffs.

Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT
Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT

Massachusetts Police Officer Arrested at EPCOT